
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Premium dan Pertamax? (Jilid 2)

Pengurangan subsidi pada BBM bersubsidi, premium, beberapa hari yang lalu cukup untuk membuat terapi kejut bagi bangsa kita. Dengan tegas dan tanpa kompromi Presiden kita tercinta menegaskan untuk menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi dari Rp 6500 menjadi Rp 8500 hanya sekitar 3 minggu setelah Beliau dilantik menjadi Presiden. Pro dan kontra mengenai keputusan ini pun terjadi dimana-mana.

Di tulisan ini, saya tidak akan bermaksud untuk membahas tentang keputusan yang sudah diambil untuk mengurangi subsidi BBM bersubsidi. Saya lebih tertarik untuk memberikan opini saya tentang kemungkinan kita untuk mengkonversi BBM yang bersubsidi, Premium, ke BBM yang non-subsidi, Pertamax dan Pertamax Plus. Sebenarnya tulisan yang sama pernah saya tulis 3 tahun yang lalu, ketika harga BBM bersubsidi, Premium, berkisar (kalo tidak salah) Rp 4500. Pada tulisan tersebut saya membahas secara detil bagaimana proses terjadinya pembakaran pada mesin 4 langkah (4 stroke engine) yang berbahan bakar bensin. Mohon maaf kalo penjelasan di tulisan itu ada yang agak membingungkan, maklum baru belajar nulis. hehe

Saturday, July 12, 2014

World Cup 2014: Rio’s Verdict

After undergoing plenty of matches which brought drama, bitterness, anger, joy, and tears, finally, we reach the final stages of World Cup 2014 that concludes Germany and Argentina to craft a new history in Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro. That means there will be a historical match with full of passion, excitement, and spirit coming up by hours!!! Yet, in the same time, sadly, it is also a sign that this 4 years event is going to meet its end T_T

This final between Germany and Argentina is really interesting. It is one of the most ideal scenario for final game by referring both teams performance during world cup 2014. They have shown to the world that they were able to beat other world class team during the tournament. And this final is surely a deserved prizes for them.

Friday, July 4, 2014

World Cup 2014: The Guardian Angels

Actually, I have written this similar article in Bahasa Indonesia with title of Kiper = Malaikat Sepakbola. Yet, due to this world cup spirit, I’d like to write over this topic in World Cup 2014 version. This topic really triggers me because of several good goalkeeper show up in this tournament. Several infamous goalkeeeper showed brilliant performance during this tournament, such as Guilermo Ochoa (Mexico), Keylor Navas (Costa Rica), and Raïs M'Bolhi (Algeria). They even could create difficulties to high profile team like Brazil, Italy, and Germany!

Beside, this is the best position where I am able to give my best whenever Im playing football..^_^

Monday, June 9, 2014

World Cup 2014: Germany is My Favorite, but Belgium will be The Center of Attention and Japan is Our Best Asia Representatives

Since several months ago, apparently, every attention of the world started to focus on the upcoming World Cup 2014 in Brazil, by the numbers of days, the event will be started. However, in my beloved country, Indonesia, the atmosphere of this event has been immensely distracted by the National Election which has been held on April 9th for the representative’s election and will be going on July 9th for the presidential election. And honestly my attention was also distracted because of that, since I also concern and always put interest about the national politics issues in my country. When I realized, the event which was introduced by my beloved father in 1998 and made me among the football maniacs in the world, is going to start very soon, so then I conditioned myself to be prepared for this 4 years event. And this writing is one of the result J

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Decisive Clash for Lisbon Verdict: whether Madrid, Munich, or London ?

This 2013/2014 season, the Final Game of UEFA Champions League will be held in Da Luz Stadium, Lisbon, where also the home of SL Benfica. Currently, The Lisbon Verdict is still waiting for the representatives that would come from 3 famous cities in Europe: Madrid, Munich or London. Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Bayern Munich, and Chelsea will have the decisive battle in Semifinal Stage of UEFA Champions League 2013/2014. Due to the drawing, Real Madrid will faces Bayern Munich meanwhile Chelsea will deal with Barcelona’s slayer, Atletico Madrid.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Kenapa Pesawat Dilarang Terbang saat Terjadi Erupsi Gunung Berapi?

 Pertama-tama secara pribadi saya turut prihatin dengan kejadian erupsi gunung berapi yang terjadi di negeri kita tercinta ini. Semoga kita semua menerimanya ikhlas dan menjadikannya ladang bersabar bagi yang ditimpa musibah, dan menjadikannya ladang beramal bagi yang tidak ditimpa. Semoga dengan ini, kita bisa mengambil pelajaran positif untuk semakin mendekatkan diri pada Sang Pencipta Langit dan Bumi, menjadikannya sebagai sarana untuk mempersatukan umat dan peduli saudara-saudara kita se-tanah air.

Sebenarnya topik ini sudah ingin saya tulis sesaat setelah erupsi Gunung Merapi di Jogjakarta 4 tahun lalu. Tapi entah kenapa, mungkin lupa atau malas, hingga kemudian tulisan ini belum selesai saya tulis. Nah, erupsi yang terjadi di Gunung Sinabung dan Gunung Kelud baru-baru ini, menggerakkan saya untuk menulis artikel ini kembali. Ditambah lagi, hasil diskusi ttg efek abu vulkanik pada pesawat, dengan salah seorang rekan saya yang akan segera meninggalkan Indonesia untuk belajar di Negeri Sakura, semakin memicu saya untuk menulis artikel ini.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Which one will you choose between Cech or Courtois, Mou?

Commonly, A Football Club has only 1 High-profile Goalkeeper which then conveyed by two or three back-up Goalkeeper to undergo season. And obviously, The Back-up Goalkeeper should have less quality compared to The High-profile one. Meanwhile, in this very day, Chelsea FC owns 2 Great Goalkeeper in the same time. Chelsea has Petr Cech that undoubtedly stands among The Best in the world, and Thibaut Courtois, who recently considered as The Best Young Goalkeeper in the world. This news seems very delightful for the club for having these two great goalkeeper. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Perbedaan Flash Point, Fire Point, & Auto-Ignition

Bahasan ini sangat menarik untuk siapa saja yang ingin memahami tentang fenomena yang ada pada bahan bakar. Ketiga istilah ini pasti akan ditemukan jika kita mulai mendalami masalah bahan bakar, karena sebenarnya ketiga istilah ini merupakan pengetahuan dasar dalam prosedur keselamatan kerja yang berkaitan dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah terbakar/meledak

Namun karena saya tidak begitu tahu terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia dari ketiga istilah serapan tersebut, jadi, untuk kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencetak miring ketiga istilah tersebut. Harap maklum. Hehe.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Thank You and Good Bye, Juan!

If every Chelsea Fans were being asked about Juan Mata, they would obviously explained countless pleasant things about him, especially, both of his decisive corners kick in UCL Final 2012 and UEL Final 2013 in the end of 90 minutes that brought Two Famous European trophies in our cabinet in a row!  It also made him as Chelsea’s Player of The Year in two occasion in a row! Starting from those moments, pretty sure that every Chelsea Fans thought that he would be high as among our legend, like what has happened with Didier Drogba, John Terry, Frank Lampard, and Petr Cech. And I thought, personally, he would become far better when The Special One was coming back to Bridge.